Champions International, Inc began as an outreach to public schools in response to the problem of rising violence, substance abuse, unwanted pregnancies, and divorced family situations. The institute of Health Study “found that kids who feel connected to home, family, and school are better protected from violence, suicide, sexual activity and substance abuse.” Champions International, Inc teaches young people to become fit, sober, nonviolent, self-confident and caring, by accepting moral values and virtues. It offers two areas of focus: character enrichment and life skills development. Champions International, Inc utilizes the talents of young adult and adult volunteers in the program to serve as role models to convey a message of hope. U.S. News & World Report (May 8, 2000, p. 50) states, “ About a quarter of all high school students today regularly perform community service, while an additional 40% do so occasionally”. Newsweek (April 17, 2000, p. 63) estimates teen service even higher suggesting that “as many as 60% do some kind of community service, primarily through faith based organizations”. Champions International, Inc seeks to empower young people to become leaders in their community.
A ‘CHAMPION’ is a victor, someone who competes and wins; a ‘champion’ is a defender, someone who supports or promotes a
person or cause; a ‘champion’ is a remarkable person, someone who exemplifies excellence or achievement;a ‘champion’is
a hero, a combatant who fights in defense of another or a cause; and a ‘CHAMPION’ is who we are.