Advanced Shooters Camp
Advanced Shooters will:
The best players play without thinking.
Meaning , through consistent game like habits, movements become more instinctive rather than reactive
There is no substitute for playing the game. Playing on Purpose(POP) is much more productive than just playing
Chauncey Billups became an NBA Champion, and a much better player towards the end of his NBA career as opposed to the start of his NBA career. Why? Because he understood his strengths and what shots(his shots) to take.
Advanced Shooters will recieve training in the following areas:
Footwork Form Shooting On The Catch On The Hop Off The Dribble Down/Ready 30 Shooting 3-2-1 Shooting Perfect 30
Types of Games to be played: Wild Card Games
1 on 1 2 on 2 3 on 3 4 on 4 5 on 5
Rock Solid Camp
A Typical Day of Rock Solid Camp
9:00am Check In / Roll Call “Thought for the Day”
9:15am Warm – up & Stretching
9:30am Fundamentals: Footwork/Shooting, Passing, Ball Handling, Defense, Rebounding
10:00am Break
10:05am Competitions: Hot Shot, Agility Lay-Ups & Free Throws
10:30am ‘3-on-'3 '4-on-'4 '5-on-'5 Competition Games
11:15am Name “Campers of the Day”
11:30am Dismissal
Sharp Shooters Camp
A Typical Day at the Sharp Shooters Camp
9:00am Check In / Roll Call“Thought for the Day”
9:15 am Form Shooting/Layup Drills
9:30am Fundamentals: Passing, Ball Handling, Footwork/Shooting, Defense, Rebounding
10:00am Break
10:05am Competition Drills: Hot Shot, Agility, Lay-Ups & Free Throws
10:30am ‘3-on-'3 '4-on-'4 '5-on-'5 Competition Games
11:15am Name “Campers of the Day”
11:30am Dismissal